You're INVITED! Spend more time doing what you love in your business. Stop wasting precious time and money strugging alone!
You're INVITED! Spend more time doing what you love in your business.
Stop wasting precious time and money struggling alone!

Ready for YOUR Business Liberation?

Financial Freedom & Joy is a transformational journey, where every month we work on AUTOMATING STRATEGIC PARTS OF YOUR BUSINESS THAT GROW YOUR INCOME!

If you are a Business Owner ready to be:
Empowered to utilize the right technology to master core business skills that make you more money like having your website, sales pages, lead opt-ins, and social media done and optimized
Creating multiple passive income streams from your business or life's work to make money without you and effortlessly receive new leads and payments
Organized with an efficient workflow that you can outsource to virtual assistants putting personalized tools in place to free up your time, joyously able to stay in your "zone of genius"

Then join us now!

The goal of the FFJ Program is to build your business online effectively,
 so you can keep making more money, without always having to work harder!

That's how you create lasting Financial Freedom & Joy!


Want your business to be on top of Google, so it generates more free leads & passive sales?

That's an IMPORTANT KEY we build for lasting recurring income!

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This program teaches you how to harness the power of everyday technology to elevate your business game. Let's close all the GAPS, even the ones you don't know that you don't know! From optimizing your website to fine-tuning admin systems, use Financial Freedom & Joy (FFJ)'s proven strategies. Unlock your online earning potential so you can escape the financial "Rat Race" once and for all!


Program Topics Include
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 Simple & Powerful Training for Complex Subjects

Step-by-Step Videos & Live Support

*NEW FOR 2024 *

The FFJ Program teaches you to:
Automate Smooth Online Sales
  • Top-Ranking Online Presence
  • De-mystify Social Media
  • Understand Website Fundamentals
  • Easy Bookkeeping & Spreadsheets
  • Increase Leads & Recurring Sales
Be Confident in Technology Fundamentals
  • Fast Computer Skills and Phone Apps
  • Admin tools like Zoom, Slack & Canva
  • YouTube, Storage & Video Libraries
  • Social Media & Facebook Groups 
  • A.I. Tools for Writing, Images & Income
Integrate Smart Tools in Google Suite
  • Gmail & Managing Multiple Inboxes 
  • Google Drive & File Organization
  • Google Docs & PDFs
  • Google Slides & Spreadsheets
  • Google Forms for Surveys & Testimonials
Generate Long-Term Passive Income
  • Profitable Websites & Blogs
  • E-commerce & Effortless Sales
  • Social Media Scheduling & Strategies
  • Re-purpose & Sell Your Existing Work
  • Lucrative Repeatable Launches 
Utilize Virtual Assistance
  • Delegating & Outsourcing
  • Managing Basic & Advanced Tasks
  • Streamlining Communication
  • Onboarding & Training Efficiently
  • Improving Retention & Sales Growth
Build & Monetize Online "Sales Funnels"
  • Landing Pages or "Register for Free" Pages
  • Thank You "Congrats" Pages
  • Sales Pages and Websites
  • Free Downloads, Coupons, Opt-In Gifts
  • (Optional) Host Classes & Multi-Day Events
Apply Advertising Essentials
  • Sustainable Free & Organic Traffic
  • Google Ads & SEO - Made Easy!
  • Free & Paid Social Media Marketing
  • Attracting Lucrative Referrals & Affiliates
  • Master the Friendliest Networking Tips
Develop an Effective Entrepreneurial Mindset
  • Working Smarter, not Harder
  • Positive Self Talk & Leadership
  • Emotional Wellbeing & Work-Life Balance
  • Efficient Goal Achieving Systems 
  • Create Your Environment to Thrive
FREE Lifetime Access to Live Classes & Material


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We're not just dreaming big; WE'RE ACHIEVING BIG!

In 2024, our mission is crystal clear: empower FFJ students to collectively earn $25+ million in total sales...
and on track for $1M+ in passive income by 2025!

Will your business be growing with us?

Ready? Let's teach you how to get your business running smoothly online, close your technology gaps, and implement top money-making strategies.

"It sounds great, though I'm already so busy!"

"I HATE technology! I don't know how!"

Don't let excuses steal your dream! 

Because the truth is...

When your business is running efficiently, you can enjoy unlimited free leads & passive sales!

Want to receive more emails like these?

Let's Do it!

Do the work now, so you can have it all!

Money ~ Joy ~ Freedom

Your Financial Freedom & Joy!

Your Business Transformation
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GOAL: Learn to take what you do well in your business and fill in the gaps that limit your progress. Streamline your processes so your business can grow with or without you!

What's Included
Ren's Tech Lessons
 Harness the power of technology to elevate your business online. 

Includes simple training for complex topics like: 
  • Achieving top rank on Google for free
  • Utilizing A.I tools & latest tech tips
  • Recurring income & passive sales
Live Support + Step-by-Step Videos
 Our classes empower you to overcome obstacles and make more sales. All live classes are recorded and posted in your membership sites. You also have additional program content with detailed videos that include step-by-step support. 
Proven Templates, A.I & even Podcast Strategies!
No need to stay overwhelmed! Learn how to monetize freebies & podcasts, sell products/services online, nurture email lists, leverage social media, improve writing about your business, and even maintain your bookkeeping. 
Longterm Profitability
"Financial Freedom & Joy!" teaches you skills to build businesses for the long haul. Learn how to grow your profitability and passive income. Our tried-and-true methods are used by industry experts worldwide.

You can make more money doing what you love in your business! De-mystify technology and improve your business skills so you have mastery for life!
Accelerate your business online so you can generate financial sustainability, fund your own retirement, and create a legacy that generates passive income for yourself and your family for generations to come!

Let us help you reach your dream sooner, with more joy along the way!


About the Founder
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Meet Ren Robertz, Founder of FFJ
Ren Robertz is the founder of the Financial Freedom & Joy! Program  (FFJ). She teaches entrepreneurs to feel more confident, utilize technology to gain more freedom, and grow their own passive income streams. She’s been building businesses since she was 19, growing her first business to over $500,000 in annual sales within 3 years. It remains an industry leader in Los Angeles. Ren is big into personal development, taking elite trainings from industry leaders including Bob Proctor, Tony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki and PSI Seminars. Ren is also certified in Silent Counselling and is a Be Set Free Fast Practitioner so she can help others gain their internal mastery that's needed to grow a thriving business.
Ren currently manages 5 online businesses and enjoys the freedom lifestyle they support. She can be found running her companies anywhere - from a remote tropical beach to her backyard chicken coop! Ren's big goals include preserving over 12 million acres of wildlife habitat and helping millions of people have more joy & reach financial freedom.
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Ren Robertz is a CEO, transformative business coach, award-winning speaker, and certified in many business tools. She is the creator of the FINANCIAL FREEDOM & JOY! Program, which helps entrepreneurs grow their companies, their income, and their peace of mind.
I'm Ready To Work Together!

Ren (nickname for Lauren) has been a business owner, speaker and professional entertainer since she was a teenager. Her businesses have made millions of dollars online and even appeared on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" around 2009. Ren splits time between Los Angeles & Hawaii and surrounds herself with influential thought-leaders doing good for the world.

Sage Lavine, founder of Women Rocking Business, 8-figure mentor
Ren Robertz shares how to create more Financial Freedom & Joy!
Michael Beckwith, founder of Agape Spiritual Center, seen in "The Secret"

 A Note From Ren 
The techniques in "Financial Freedom & Joy!" can work for any kind of business!

I started a popular petting zoo 15+ years ago that is still generating sales online in the 2nd largest city in the USA. I've supported hundreds of unique businesses around the world to get free traffic and smooth online operations.

There's a retreat center in the jungle who loves that new customers can find them. And a reading specialist in the snowy North who is able to help kids worldwide.

These business strategies work at any age, too. Some of my students in their 70s and 80s have learned how to turn long-cherished ideas into a solid online business.

Becoming “find-able” and "monetize-able" among the millions of websites/podcasts online is what I specialize in.

To be honest, it’s not without work in the beginning, though the aim is to build and grow more easily.

We generally understand what to do in building a physical business - rent a space, setup your store, get a cash register, distribute some flyers, so then customers walk in and buy (fingers crossed).

However, it's not always that clear when you're building an online business.

So, if you’ve ever researched the gazillion online options out there...

  • It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and do nothing

  • It's likely you'll spend too much money on promising software subscriptions & monthly fees
  • It's exhausting jumping from one business training program to the next and still not get the results you hoped for

  • Or even worse, falling into deep holes attempting to learn everything on your own, inching forward while wasting time, energy, and money -- perhaps losing enthusiasm for your business goals.

Maybe you've experienced all of this? If so, I am here to help!

Let’s cut through all that clutter to build what works online and lasts.

Quickly. Simply. Affordably.

Your reasons for having an online business may be for pure fun or to have profitable revenue streams you can grow. You can also create life-changing income online. The possibilities are truly infinite!

I’d be honored to work beside you during this year of business transformation.

I love figuring out the ever-changing technology and teaching it to others.

I love seeing your business progress, especially when you thought it might be beyond you.

Cheers to your online business success!

Let's do this work, together!

Warmest Aloha,

Ren Robertz of FFJ
Yes! I want Ren's support!

 Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can I be in this program if I don't have a business yet? Yes! The program is designed for both existing business owners looking to enhance their online presence and admin systems, as well as individuals who are aspiring to start their own business and have it grow smoothly online.
  2. Are there any prerequisites to join the FFJ Program? Yes! Just a positive attitude :-)

  3. I'm not tech-savvy; is this going to be too hard? Absolutely not! The program is tailored to accommodate individuals with varying levels of technical expertise. We provide simple and powerful training to help you navigate complex subjects with step-by-step videos and live support.
  4. What if I am already tech-savvy; is this going to be too basic? Nope, it's great for ALL skills levels so you can skip to more advanced strategies and the latest technology tips, including A.I, to tailor this business program to your specific needs.
  5. When are the live classes? One of Ren's favorite things about this program is the flexibility of timing to accommodate the needs of her business owners worldwide. Students may vote for their preferred class start times, and replays are always available.
  6. What is the duration of the program? This is a 12-month program, an immersive experience to accelerate your business transformation. Once you graduate, you can re-attend these live classes anytime for free!
  7. What kind of support can I expect during the program? You have live classes, recorded content, and a supportive community of growth-minded business owners for networking, referral partners, and masterminding!
  8. Is there ongoing support after this program ends? Yes, you get free lifetime access to live classes, updates to the course, and a community that continues to support each other. You can also add-on 1:1 sessions or other FFJ services as long as you'd like.
  9. Will I receive a certificate upon completion of the FFJ Program? Yes, upon graduation, you will receive a certificate acknowledging your completion in this professional business training program.

  10. How can I enroll in the FFJ Program? Click the red button on this page to book your interview so we can discuss if the program is a good fit for you. There is a $500 deposit with monthly payments or pay-in-full options available.

  11. How much does the FFJ Program cost? There is a $500 deposit and the program is $197 USD per month for 12 months. A pay-in-full discount is available. If you want 1:1 sessions or support between live classes, you can add-on those services, too!
  12. What is the refund policy? We aim for the best long-term compatibility. Please inform us within 30 days to cancel any further commitment to the program. The first $500 paid toward the program is non-refundable.
  13. I'm already busy; how much time commitment is required? The goal of this program is to save you time and enhance your workflow, not add to your workload. FFJ is designed to support you when you need it. Attend the scheduled live classes when you can. You can even vote on a convenient class time!
  14. Can I implement what I learn right away in my business? Yes! The program is structured to provide practical lessons and tips that you can easily and quickly apply to optimize your business, saving you time and accelerating your journey to success.

Sign Up Now

Bonus Gifts
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Your Package comes with these value-packed bonuses!
Bonus #1
Bob Proctor's Tools for Achieving Goals
(Value $997)
Discover and develop riches beyond your wildest dreams. Bob Proctor was one of the best teachers in human growth and potential. His legacy continues as the Proctor Gallagher Institute (PGI), which remains a global leader in personal success training. Your powerful FFJ bonus includes:

  • eBook & Audio of Bob Proctor's Classic Book "You Were Born Rich"
  • 45-minute Training about Goal-Setting and Action-Planning with Bob Proctor
  • Bob Proctor's Exclusive Goal-Setting Workbook
  • Tool to "Discover Your Hidden Abundance Blocks"
  • "260 Positive Affirmations to Attract More Wealth"

Ren's personal Proctor Gallagher coach is Alex Quinn, who specializes in business quantum leaps. Alex shares these tools with you to use the power of your mind to move beyond perceived limitations and build your ideal business and life.

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Bonus #2
How to Write Content That Sells
(Value $297)
"Connect with Your Inner Voice to Write Magnetic Copy" is an hour-long training by Ren's esteemed colleague Renee Zukin. She takes entrepreneurs on a journey to discover their North Star, reconnect to their inner wisdom, and shares the tools and strategies needed to create magnetic marketing copy for their businesses.

Renee has more than 20 years of experience as a writer, editor, and teacher, as well as studying multiple psychological and healing modalities. Renee created the Rebel Writers Community & Workshops to provide a space for others to use the written word as a tool for self-healing and empowerment, sending a ripple effect of evolution, expansion, and elevation around the globe.
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Bonus #3
How to Become a Best-Selling Author
(Value $497)
"Build Your Freedom Brand" is a 5-video course on BECOMING A BEST-SELLING AUTHOR. Ren's amazing book coach and marketing whiz, Kimberley Day, will teach you, step by step, how to attract an endless stream of ideal clients, speaking engagements, referral partners & media coverage into your business using a book!

In this mini-course, you’ll discover how to build a 6-figure business around your book so you can have a bigger INCOME while making a bigger IMPACT in the lives of the clients you serve. 
Plus you’ll get the Proven 10-Step Guide to Plan and Write a Business Building Book!
FUN FACT: Ren's colleague Erika used these tips and her business book soon became an Amazon Best-Seller! 
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  1. Bob Proctor's Goal Achieving System ($997 value)
  2. Writing Tips for Entrepreneurs ($297 value)
  3. Ways to Become a Best-Selling Author ($497 value)
Yes! I want these!


A Few of Our Graduates
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"My first online business has been running since 2006 and for years everything fell on me to do. I only hired tech support during crises. After working with Ren, 75% of all tasks were outsourced to an online VA, turning this into more of a passive income stream for me! The business went from thousands of jumbled emails in three business inboxes, and no bookkeeping data, to smoothly processing all the online orders. Last month only 7 VA hours were needed to run it all!!"
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Tracy Cheney, California
Business Owner, Teacher & Author
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"Technology has been a huge learning curve for me! After FFJ, I understand these platforms and many others. I've learned it's simple, free (or low cost), manageable and fun. It has opened a whole a new world to me that's not intimidating, costs money, or time-crunchy. FFJ is such a fun learning environment, it's like having your friends over for a party and at the end, you've all learned these amazing tools AND made new friends. Life + business doesn't get any better than that!"

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Sandy Skaar, New Mexico
Business Owner, Coach & Affiliate Marketer
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"I'm excited to explore all the possibilities to display and sell my art [online and locally], starting with a few watercolor paintings then adding from there! [UPDATE: SHE FOLLOWED THROUGH AND DID IT!] The Financial Freedom and Joy Classes have empowered me to be more visible by using the Silent Counseling and Aligned Breathing techniques. Also all the wealth of information is invaluable. It was a blast, we all had so much fun playing and laughing! The Zoom 2.0 lesson was my favorite class!"
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Marcie Moroni, Washington
Business Owner, Coach & Artist
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"My biggest challenge was getting overwhelmed by all the options out there on what I could do. Ren has an amazing way of taking what seems so complicated and making it simple to dive into your business. The best part is doing it together and she is great at answering any and all questions. She is patient and brings that calm to all of us as we learn to find joy in the day even through the hard parts. All the mindset she helps with really makes the difference. Learning specific programs and ways that work was so helpful and took out some of the decision fatigue that came with all the options. Having a group who could look and collaborate on things I was working on such as a landing page, logo, or website was priceless. You don't need to do it all alone, join this supportive community!"
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Michelle DeKeyser, Wisconsin
Business Owner, Podcaster & Best-Selling Author

De-mystify technology and improve your business skills so you have mastery for life


I want this support, too!
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You can make more money doing what you love in your business!


Well... then stop wasting your precious time and money struggling alone, when you can improve things faster together!


Grow Your Business Along With
Financial Freedom & Joy!

Business Training + Personalized Support

I'd like to join the
FFJ Program:
Apply Now



